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Fun little game, though I really wish we could configure the routes ourselves, it would allow for some really interesting balancing gameplay.


how do you lower ur suspicion

Eventually you can unlock proxy servers which lower suspicion a little every tick. Seems to unlock when you first hack a rich server

Have you dropped this game, or will there be a post-jam version?

This would be an addicting mobile game.


okay how did you make this addicting of a jam game


This is such a great game! I've been playing it every day since it came out. Hope you continue to improve it and add features since it really does tend to stop being engaging once you expand for a while.


Upgrade Steal Rate rapidly becomes useless. It says that it increases the transfer between nodes per click. But this is only in effect when there is "extra" (more than the auto steal amount) outgoing money in the node. Clicking on the steal button increases the outgoing money temporarily. Outgoing money does not get transferred all at once. "Extra" outgoing money decreases per tick based on the steal upgrade. It's possible to bog down the game by stacking up a lot of extra outgoing money on a lot of nodes.

There appears to be a bug with the outgoing money. Or maybe it's just caused by the way Firefox works. Sometimes it increases per tick instead of decreases. This appears to be caused by the game losing focus when I alt tab to or back from a game. This bug continues on reload.

(1 edit) (+4)(-1)

Interesting concept. My main complaint are the bottleneck nodes.
I have around 23.000$ outgoing on one node. There is no way to extract that money quickly except to wait for a painfully slow download of money.

It would be nice to have a way to create multiple paths from one node to your home.


do you unlock anyhting after scan efficiency?

This is probably my favorite game of this Jam!  I love the way the nodes look on the gray and black background, especially when zoomed out!


My favorite of the Jam! Really excited for the post-jam version. Please don't remove money moving through nodes, I think upgrading your logistics/supply routes would be a great addition to the game. Like have each node have their own transfer rate which you can improve, or build connections to other nodes

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

I appreciate the feedback! I'd love to keep the money moving through nodes, but it just isn't scalable.  My vision for this game is for you to have enough nodes to cover the globe, and it simply won't scale to have state for every node.  There might be another game concept where you more carefully manage the graph as you're describing, but it would need to have a much smaller amount of nodes to manage, so it won't be this one.


Fair enough, I know nothing about creating games. I do hope however you solve the problem you include the physicality of the node network as part of the strategy a player has to consider. Looking at the geography of how I might eventually expand the network to europe, asia and africa and seeing how chokepoints and geography might affect my expansion was a lot of fun.


Absolutely! Chokepoints through different parts of the world and achievements for entering/completing certain percentages of countries/continents is something I want to focus on

Maybe when certain regions have all things upgraded to a certain level it groups as one and it functions as a type of prestige, you have new upgrade for the groups and you can keep scaling by merging groups and making it a new "phase of the game"

Scale in terms of gameplay, or programming? If the latter, maybe Flyweight could be of help?


really need an ability to add more nodes to home


I lost my save but I can read the text. I call that a net win.


This game is great! It feels slow after a bit, but I've read the other comments- I can't wait to try out the post-jam version.


Almost made it to Mexico and my laptop is not happy with the computational intensity of stuff lol, excellent game and I will continue to explore until Firefox crashes


Nice job, and thanks for playing! I'm making the post jam version computationally much more simple so hopefully will be easier on your lap ;)

black text on grey background is hard to read

maybe a description on the page to get people into the idea of the game?

It is fun to hack multiple targets and have the money flowing in. Maybe an icon or indicator of the flow rate on each node? The animatioon of the stream is great, but hard to tell how close to stopping the flow is.

What causess more suspision? Maybe this is an area or chance for strategy and skill?

I love the upgrades!

Auto steal - booya

Panning the game area is cool

Black area upper left - text is unreadable

multiple scans and feeling your hacking empire sprawl out is a great feeling

A global $ per second counter would be motivating.

Great game, nice work!


Thanks for the feedback! I'll use it for the postjam version :D

I think the black text on grey background was a safari light mode issue, not sure what your setup is, but it should be fixed for you now, it was always supposed to be white text ;)

I was on Chrome on Mac OS. Nice one!


Hope that if this does get updated, that you can change the routes that the nodes go and create your own routes at the cost of some money, and I hope that you could upgrade how much money your home node takes cause that would certainly help out with how slow the game becomes.


Thanks for the feedback! In the post jam version I'm removing the money moving through the nodes, and having it go straight to your home node as long as there is a path.  

I wanted to lean into the graph more for the game, but the bottom line is at global scale, the game will have awful performance if I keep that mechanic.  Instead the focus will be on careful growth to avoid FBI detection 


Agree with the need for a zoom in/out key or button.  And maybe make the text box and stats easier to see. Otherwise, it's pretty good.

Do you plan on doing any updates to this game now that the game jam is done?

Thanks! I'll add some zoom buttons, appreciate the feedback.

I Think so! I'm working on changing up the mechanics to make it more focused on rewarding expansion rather than the clickfest it is right now.  I'll post in the discord when it's ready


No way to zoom out :/

Scrolling should do the trick


Can zoom in, won't zoom out. Can reset by going between full screen and not on browser.

Strange! Might be the itch embed/your browser.  Are you using a mouse or trackpad? Which browser? Can add zoom controls to the UI, but curious to resolve the issue you're describing


Mouse and Firefox.


same here mouse and chrome


Pretty great! I think there's a lot of room for more features, balance and improvement, but it's a solid start! Better than a lot of "finished" games!

Thanks for the kind words ☺️

(1 edit) (+5)

I ran out of development time so the progression isn't very well balanced.  

When your suspicion maxes out, the FBI will disconnect one of your nodes.  

It probably isn't possible to truly hack the planet, but I hope you have fun anyways!


The concept is cool and it seems to be one of the few games of this game jam where the browser console isn't full of errors, so good job.


Thanks, I appreciate it!